Interdependent gender aspects of the fields of need mobility, consumption, nutrition and housing as the foundation of urban environmental protection
Interdependent gender aspects of the fields of need mobility, consumption, nutrition and housing as the foundation of urban environmental protection
Against the background of the steady trend towards urbanization and current developments in gender relations in society, the focus of this research project is on their interdependences with and impacts on urban environmental protection. Role-specific behaviors and responsibilities, such as the unequal distribution of care work between the genders, differences in the distribution of incomes, or gender-specific consumption and nutrition practices are decisive here. The purpose of the project is to determine the state of knowledge on gender aspects in the fields of need mobility, consumption (such as clothing), nutrition and housing for urban environmental protection. Building on this, programs and measures (such as Habitat III, New Urban Agenda, SDGs) related to urban development will undergo a gender analysis, in order to derive research recommendations to generate ideas, e.g. for future research, planning processes, the design of federal programs, and other effective measures for the promotion of sustainable urban lifestyles and infrastructures.
In essence, the following research questions will be addressed:
- Which gender-specific patterns of behavior and societal changes, as well as gendered structures, have particular urban environmental effects in the areas of mobility, clothing, nutrition and housing, including the overarching aspects of digitization and collective use?
- What are the interactions and how are they taken into account in sustainable urban and infrastructure development, transport planning, sustainable construction, mitigation / adaptation or sustainable clothing and food production, including their supply chains?
The project is being carried out on behalf of the German Federal Environment Agency / German Federal Ministry for the Environment in a cooperative network between GenderCC – Women for Climate Justice, ISIconsult and the artec Research Center Sustainability at the University of Bremen. Duration: 1.11.2017 to 31.10.2019