Governance structure
As an international network, GenderCC aims to share decision-making and responsibilities throughout its membership and across regional and national borders.
This is reflected in the governance structure, which is made up of several bodies: an international steering committee, the GenderCC board. All GenderCC projects are managed by our founding member LIFE Education Sustainability Equality based in Berlin. The former International Secretariat does no longer exist.
Steering Committee
Meet our Steering Committee
GenderCC is led by a Steering Committee, a circle of women endorsed by the members of GenderCC and given the mandate to discuss and develop strategic plans for the network, to oversee implementation, to monitor and evaluate activities, to recruit members, to represent GenderCC and to oversee the work of the international Secretariat.
Eunice Stella Warue (Kenya)
Eunice Stella Warue works as Programme Officer in the urban water and sanitation department at the Water Sector Trust Fund. In this context she is involved in the preparations of a Response Plan for Kenya by catalysing low cost green technologies for sustainable water service delivery through CTCN technical assistance. She also serves as the secretary to the gender committee and is involved in the implementation of the Fund’s gender policy and Gender Action Plan. Previously, Eunice participated as a member for the Kenyan delegation for the issues of gender and climate change at the COP14 and COP15 and as a civil society representative at many more UNFCCC negotiations. She has also carried out multiple capacity-building activities on gender and climate change under the Kenya Climate Justice Women Championship (KCJWC).
Ewa Larsson (Sweden)
Ewa Larsson is a mother, grandmother and a graduate in philosophy with a focus on social welfare and feminist economy. She has also worked as a Waldorf teacher for many years. Ewa is the founder and chairwoman of GenderCC’s member organisation Grönna Kvinnor, a cross-party and non-profit association of green women in Sweden.
From 1994 to 2002 Ewa was a member of the Riksdag, the Swedish National Parliament, for the Miljöpartiet de Gröna and contributed to several successful decisions, among others a law criminalizing the purchase of sex and a reduction of value added tax (VAT) for books.
As a local politician in Stockholm she is addressing global challenges on the local level – always with gender glasses on! Her work resulted in resolutions to decommission coal combustion in the city and to serve organic food in public (pre-) schools. Thanks to green and feminist cooperation, Stockholm is today a fair-trade municipality.
Minu Hemmati
Minu Hemmati is a clinical psychologist with a doctorate in Organisational and Environmental Psychology, consulting since 1998 with governments, international organisations, women’s networks, NGOs, corporations, and research institutions. Minu also does non-for-profit work with the MSP Institute – Multi-Stakeholder Processes for Sustainable Development e.V., an international charitable association she co-founded in 2016. Her work includes designing and facilitating change processes that bring together diverse groups of people in dialogue and collaboration, training, research and advocacy. Minu has wide experience with multi-stakeholder processes at all levels, facilitating small and large groups, international policy making, local and national implementation. She has published two books, co-authored another, and written over 50 articles, book chapters, and reports. Minu is one of the co-founder of GenderCC, a Senior Fellow with EcoAgriculture Partners, and on the jury of the International Resource Award. She was instrumental in setting up the SEED Initiative, co-coordinated the Stakeholder Implementation Conference, and recently led the Climate Dialogue project. To find out more, visit her website.
Nicky Broeckhoven (Belgium)
Nicky Broeckhoven has been an individual member of GenderCC since 2013. She got to know the organisation when she was doing research for her PhD and she attended a number of UNFCCC negotiations (e.g. UNFCCC COP 19 and COP 21) as an observer with GenderCC and LIFE e.V. In June 2017, Nicky obtained her PhD in Law at Ghent University, Belgium with the thesis “Gender and the Rio Conventions: an international legal perspective”. Currently, she is working at Tilburg University, the Netherlands as a researcher on a project titled “Civic space under pressure”. However, she continues to do research on the interconnections between gender and the environment. Prior to starting her PhD, she worked as a researcher at Ghent University on a project related to environmental law enforcement. She has a Master’s degree in Law from the University of Antwerp and an LL.M in Environmental law from Ghent University.
Olfa Jelassi (Tunisia)
Olfa Jelassi is a hydro-meteorological engineer, but has been working in international cooperation and development. Olfa is a trainer and lecturer on gender, women’s rights and climate change. She has been following the UNFCCC negotiations and (inter)national climate policies for several years. Since 2011, she has been working with civil society organisations on local, national and international levels on the importance of youth and women’s empowerment with regards to environment, ecology and climate change. Olfa has also been working as an environmental consultant. In 2016 she was selected as young environmental leader by the Joke Waller-Hunter (JWH) Initiative. At present, Olfa is working at the German embassy in Tunis.
Sharmind Neelormi (Bangladesh)
Sharmind Neelormi is an associate professor at the Department of Economics at Jahangirnagar University in Dhaka, Bangladesh. She is engaged in research and advocacy on sustainable development and the social justice implications of climate change. Among her fields of expertise are climate adaptation, with a particular focus on community-based activities, disaster risk reduction and the gender aspects of adaptation and mitigation. In recent years, Sharmind has taken active part in multi-disciplinary research on issues related to environmental economics and vulnerability and adaptation to climate change and has conducted project impacts assessment and project reviews (especially focusing on resilience) for various UN and international agencies. She has contributed to the IPCC Assessment Reports and regularly takes part in the UNFCCC process. Sharmind has been involved with GenderCC since its very beginning and has been a member of the Steering Committee for several years.
Usha Nair (India)
Usha Nair is Vice President and part of the leadership team of All India Women’s Conference AIWC, a reputed women’s organisation established in 1927, with 600+ branches and 120.000+ members across India. Prior to this, she was Member-in-charge (Climate Change & Environment). She organised multiple programmes and workshops, and attended several UNFCCC meetings. Usha served as elected Co-focal Point of Women and Gender Constituency to the UNFCCC from 2014 to 2016, and joined GenderCC’s Steering Committee in 2016.
Yvette Abrahams (South Africa)
Yvette Abrahams has been involved with Gender CC since 2010, joined the Steering Committee the same year and assisted in building up GenderCC Southern Africa. Yvette works as a Specialist Advisor for Project 90 until 2020, an organisation working towards a transition to an equitable, low-carbon society in South Africa. As a professor at the University of Cape Town and the University of Western Cape she has consulted both government and various NGOs on issues relating to gender equality in climate-related policy and practice. Her current research interests are in the field of indigenous economic plants (especially as they speak to economic development and climate resilience), and climate change economics. For 5 years Yvette served as Commissioner for Gender Equality, based in Cape Town. During this time she was the Commission’s head of programmes related to poverty, energy and climate change.
Board of Directors
Meet our Board of directors
Shaila Shahid (Bangladesh)
Shaila is serving at the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) as Senior Advisor- Climate Change, DRR and Gender. With 15+ years of experience, Shaila has been working in the arena of action research, capacity building of different stakeholders, and policy advocacy level regionally and globally on gender issues. She is Advisory Board Member of Stakeholder Engagement Mechanism (SEM), UNDRR Geneva. She is the winner of Mary Fran Myers Disaster Scholarship award for 2019 from the Natural Hazards Centre, Colorado University, USA. In 2018 Shaila served as Lead Discussant in the High Level Political Forum on the review of SDG 11. Shaila has been awarded for the Charles Wallace fellowship by British Council in 2018. She is an environmental lawyer, climate advocate and a World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Fellow with long experience in Disaster Risk Reduction, Integrated Water Resources Management, Climate Change Adaptation and building community resilience.
Dorah Marema (South Africa)
Since 2010, Ramatsobane Dorah Marema has been one the founders of GenderCC Southern Africa.
For many years, Dorah was the Executive Director of the GreenHouse Project, an environmental NGO based in Johannesburg, South Africa. There, Dorah Lebelo was responsible for setting up a variety of projects, among them a permaculture project in a park in a poor and run-down neighbourhood in Johannesburg. This project aims to demonstrate to the surrounding inhabitants and passers-by how to live sustainably, i.e. gardening, composting etc. Other program areas include green building and design, efficiency and renewable energy and waste management/ recycling project.
In 2008, Dorah founded GenderCC Southern Africa, an independent branch of GenderCC. She is currently implementing a range of projects in the region and is also GenderCC’s Focal Point in Africa.
Gotelind Alber (Germany)
Gotelind Alber is GenderCC’s treasurer and also takes part in the decision-making processes of the Steering Group.
Gotelind is based in Berlin and is an independent researcher and consultant. She is a physicist and has 25 years experience in research, policy and management, including as a past managing director of the Climate Alliance of European Cities. Currently, Gotelind is working as an independent consultant on energy and climate policy, energy efficiency and renewable energy, multi-level governance, gender and climate justice. She was also one of the co-founders of GenderCC – Women for Climate Justice.
She has been following the UNFCCC process from the very beginning in order to connect international climate policy with local approaches in industrialised and developing countries. Her recent projects include papers and a policy guidebook on “gender, cities and climate change” for UN-HABITAT and the GIZ, as well as various national and EU evaluation panels, including for the EU Horizon 2020 programme. To find our more, visit her website.
Patricia Glazebrook (USA)
Patricia Glazebrook is Professor of Philosophy at Washington State University. She is widely known as an environmental philosopher and ecofeminist though her work is interdisciplinary and uses empirical, sociological and ethnographic methods of data collection. Since 2002, she has been working with women subsistence farmers in northeast Ghana to record impacts of climate change on their crops, food security and nutrition, and to document their adaptation strategies. She has also written on food security in Africa more generally. She has published on gender in UNFCCC policy and in Assessment Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and currently studies the capacity of international climate finance to meet the needs of women agriculturalists.
Birte Rodenberg (Germany)
Birte Rodenberg is a sociologist and holding a PhD. Based in Berlin, she is working as an independent consultant and evaluator, and has always placed her emphasis on gender and women’s rights issues, linking these concerns to issues of sustainability and climate change. Already in the beginnings of the gender & climate justice debate, as a policy advisor for governmental development institutions, she has authored studies on the missing links of international development policy instruments and women’s rights issues (i.e. NAPAs). As a trainer for international NGOs she has facilitated many workshops and seminars from a gender perspective on SDGs, urban development, climate change induced migration, and NDCs. On the background of her international experience and participation in conferences, CSO forums and lately, having represented the CEDAW Alliance of German women’s NGOs at the official UN hearings (2016 & 2017), she wants to support the objectives of the GenderCC-network, not only as an individual member, but as part of the team of the Board of Directors – towards a gender-just, inclusive and sustainable societal change.
Norovsuren Enkhbaatar (Germany)
Non-profit Status
As a non-profit organisation, GenderCC is keen to ensure transparency in all projects and activities.
Visit our entry in the German Lobby Register for more information.
Annual reports
In GenderCC’s annual reports all projects and activities, developments within the network with regards to membership and governance as well as perspectives for the following year are presented.
Our previous donors include
- Brot für die Welt
- Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
- Evangelischer Enticklungsdienst
- Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development
- Oxfam
- Lush
- Stiftung Asienhaus
- Robert-Bosch-Stiftung
- GenderCC Annual Report 2021-2022
- GenderCC Annual Report 2020-2021
- GenderCC Annual Report 2019-2020
- GenderCC Annual Report 2018-2019
- GenderCC Annual Report 2017-2018
- GenderCC Annual Report 2016-2017
- GenderCC Annual Report 2015-2016
- GenderCC Annual Report 2014-2015
- GenderCC Annual Report 2013-2014